Pillsbury Careers | Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman | Partners
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When you talk to partners who have recently joined our firm, they will tell you how their practices are flourishing on Pillsbury’s platform. They will point to our excellent client base, our strength in the industries that are the economic engines of tomorrow and our growing presence in the world’s key marketplaces. They will also talk about our unique culture, including:

  • Strong leadership – Our 12-member Board includes our Chair, Managing Partner and 10 other partners from across our practices and geographic regions. The Board is responsible for developing Pillsbury's policies and strategies and is our ultimate decision-making body.
  • Transparency – We openly share financial results and strategic direction with partners, lawyers and professional staff. In addition, our approach to partner compensation is open, thorough and fair.
  • Collaboration – We place a high value on teamwork and collaboration and consider it a competitive advantage in serving our clients and integrating new lawyers. We take a multidisciplinary approach, forming industry teams, client teams and focus teams on emerging areas to cultivate a comprehensive perspective for our clients. We also encourage new partners to assume leadership roles in our offices and practice sections, and new partners currently serve on our firmwide committees and client teams.
  • Financial Stability – As the world economies and the legal profession move through unprecedented changes, Pillsbury has maintained a very solid financial footing. Overall, our strong balance sheet frees us to make the best decisions for our business and focus on our future.

You will experience our unique culture from your very first day. Pillsbury has a proven track record of successfully integrating lawyers who join us in mid-career transitions. Firm management, business unit leaders, practice group leaders, industry group leaders, partners and professional staff are all actively involved in the process. We design a customized integration plan for each partner and counsel. Senior leadership stays closely involved to make sure you are provided with the right resources and introduced to the right people. Our steadfast goal is to support you in delivering optimal results to clients, quickly and efficiently.

Pillsbury is growing within its current geographic footprint and in its primary areas of industry strength:

  • Technology
  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Financial
  • Life Sciences and Digital Health
  • Real Estate and Construction

We are well-positioned to continue to prosper and grow. If your transactional, regulatory, litigation or intellectual property practice is aligned with our key strengths, we look forward to meeting you and discussing why Pillsbury may be the right fit.

For more information please contact:

Kendall Wade Lowery, Senior Director of Firmwide Recruiting

Kat Davis, Director of Firmwide Partner Recruiting